It’s no secret. Funding your child’s college education can be a frightening endeavor at best. Unfortunately today many parents are forced to decide to steal from their retirement savings or take out a home equity loan to send their child to college. This has a crippling effect on the parent’s retirement and may endanger the chances of the second and third child to go to the best school they can get into.
Here’s the truth. It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a huge difference between student financial aid, loans and grants/endowments (free money). The sad fact is 95% of parents and guidance counselors are chasing after 5% of the money available. Good news. There is a better way. Learn how to extract free money from the schools themselves instead who are often sitting on billions of dollar in endowment funds. Here is one example of recent award letters received by one of the students I was privileged to help who enrolled in our coaching program.