Identity theft has become a serious issue here in the USA and globally! Although identity theft issues have been a common concern for several years; however, the frequency has skyrocketed the past three years!
See the statistics from the National Council on Identity Theft Protection below:
I had my American Airlines Mastercard hacked 3 times in an 18-month period, so this issue is near and dear to me. People who post on social media online are more likely to get hacked! It is difficult for the average American (especially mature seniors) to deal with this widespread problem as scammers have become more sophisticated every year.
One potential inexpensive option can be utilized through your triple AAA membership. Triple AAA (the Automobile Association of America) offers a variety of inexpensive plans to assist.
They (AAA) have three levels of plans. They have a free plan and two other more comprehensive plans for $10.95/month and $15.95/month respectively for their top plan.
One thing I noticed when dealing with this problem myself is that there are 3 important things that come into play with identity theft: IT is
For many people, insurance is for protection and “peace of mind,” which is sometimes difficult to put a price on. For this column, I will break down both the AAA Free plan (called their Essential Plan) and a “rider” that can be added to the Free plan for $10 per year.
The AAA Free plan includes:
With the AAA Safeco $1/month (or $10 per year) Identity Recovery coverage, they add the following to their Free plan:
For my clients, insurance planning has to do with finding the maximum coverage for each premium dollar spent. It is ALL about VALUE for life insurance, health insurance, long-term care insurance, and ALL other types of insurance.
A responsible independent broker shops insurance companies looking for “pricing sweet spots” to see where the best VALUE can be found. The AAA Identity Theft plans are no different, as I think there is value to be found looking at these AAA Identity Theft plans, especially the Free plan with the $1 per month (or $10 per year) rider added.
What do you think? Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] and best of luck to you!