Yes, folks it’s that time again. Open enrollment time! Now you can enroll or switch group & individual plans, no questions asked. Is the system broken, of course! Follow these tips to save money on premiums and big claims.
Call your important doctors now: Make a list of which company(s) AND networks they accept. Oxford has 3 NY networks Freedom, Liberty & Metro, big differences.
Consider switching to from a PPO to an EPO or HMO: Do tip one correctly then you won’t need to go out of network. This will save you between 25-40%.
Holistic folks: Choose a plan with a poor (Rx) drug card. You aren’t going to take pills so why pay for it? This can save between 5-10%.
Look at HSAs and high deductible plans: Look at the (MOOP) max out of pocket on each plan. Make sure you can afford to self-insure up to that limit on a big claim. HSA’s allow you to pay for some items and deductibles with pre-tax dollars, saving 10-25%.
Have your broker shop every year: Plans and premiums are changing in each state so fast. You need help to decipher these plan designs. A mistake can cost you, your business and/or your family big money! [Ask Robert for a free health insurance quote here]