What We Can Learn from the Pope: 4 Tips
The Pope toured Cuba and is now in the USA. He is discussing many controversial topics with class and poise while connecting with people of all ages. Here are four principles we can learn from the Pope:
1. Deliver your message with clarity: He’s touched on sensitive issues such as global warming and gay marriage. Think of what your intended outcome is when delivering your messages at work and even at home. Message clarity comes from prior planning and concise delivery.
2. Use the sandwich method when critiquing: Open with a positive statement or sincere compliment to connect with your audience. In the middle deliver your criticism without tone and then close in a positive manner with a smile. The Pope regularly employs this technique.
3, Be humble by example: Instead being transported in the $1 milion limousine that President Obama rides in, Pope Francis requested a black FIAT crossover vehicle to show he is of the people. Be mindful of the impression you leave with others.
4. Utilize social media: Pope Francis is connecting with younger generations like none of his predecessors by using social media. Consider making it a part of your daily routine.
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